
General Terms and Conditions


Welcome to Tripcat! We're excited to have you explore our weekend getaway packages. Before you book, we want to make sure you have a clear understanding of our terms and conditions. 

1.  Booking and Payment:

  1. All bookings are subject to availability and confirmation. Make sure to carefully review the details of your chosen package before proceeding.
  2. Prices for each package vary. Please read all the details provided for each package, including inclusions and exclusions, before confirming your booking.
  3. To secure your booking, an advance amount is required at the time of reservation. The remaining amount must be paid on the day of the journey.

 2. Cancellations and Refunds:

  1. Each package has its own cancellation policy. Be sure to check the specific package details to understand the cancellation terms.
  2. Refunds, if applicable, will be processed within 48 hours or adjusted in the final amount to be paid according to the cancellation policy of the package.
  3. Tripcat strictly adheres to the outlined cancellation policy for all bookings. Regardless of the reason for cancellation, all participants are subject to the cancellation terms stipulated in the specific package details. This policy ensures fairness and consistency for all participants and Tripat's operational integrity. We appreciate your understanding and compliance with these cancellation guidelines.
  4. Cancellation requests are accepted only via text, or WhatsApp message sent from the registered mobile number used during the booking process.

 3. Itineraries and Changes:

  1. Itineraries are designed to offer you a fantastic experience, but they might change due to unforeseen circumstances such as weather conditions, government restrictions, or local events.
  2. Tripcat reserves the right to modify itineraries to ensure safety and the overall quality of the trip.
  3. In cases where circumstances beyond our control require changes to transportation or accommodation, Tripcat will provide suitable alternatives.

 4. Health, Fitness & Age:

  1. We want you to have a safe and enjoyable experience. By participating in our trips, you acknowledge that you are in good health and have an appropriate level of fitness for the chosen package's activities.
  2. Please inform us of any medical conditions or dietary requirements before booking so we can make the necessary arrangements.
  3. To join our trips, participants must be aged 15 or above and under 40. If you're considering traveling with someone outside this age range, please contact us for approval.In the event of any loss, damage, injury, or inconvenience arising from the trip, Tripcat will not be liable for any refunds or compensation.

5. Liability Declaration:

  1. Tripcat will not be held responsible for any consequential damages arising from travel, including missed bus, flights, office, connections, or other arrangements. 

 6. Photography and Media:

  1. Tripcat may take photographs and videos during trips for promotional purposes. Participants who do not wish to be included should inform the Trip captain and refrain from being in the vicinity when photographs or videos are being taken.
  2. Tripcat has the irrevocable right and permission to use, reproduce, publish, and distribute these photographs and videos in print and digital media, including but not limited to social media, website content, and advertising materials.

7. Privacy and Data Protection:

    1.Personal information collected during thebooking process will be used only for the purpose of trip arrangements and will not be shared with third parties.

8. Communication by the Trip Captain:

  1. Participants are encouraged to actively engage with the Trip captain for a more enriching experience.
  2. Trip captains will provide information about the trip, including itinerary details, activities, and things to do at each destination.
  3. If participants have questions or doubts about the trip, they are welcome to reach out to the trip captain at any time during the journey.

9.  Insurance and Indemnity:

  1. Health and life insurance are not included in our packages. In the event of any unforeseen events during the trip, Tripcat is not liable for medical expenses, and it's the responsibility of the traveler to cover those costs.
  2. By participating in our trips, you agree to indemnify and hold Tripcat harmless from any claims, damages, or liabilities arising from your participation.


10. Bus Travel Etiquettes: 

  1. Smoking and drinking are strictly prohibited onboard our buses. All participants must comply with this policy for the safety and comfort of everyone.
  2. While onboard, we expect all participants to respect the cleanliness of the bus and refrain from damaging, defacing, or misplacing any property.
  3. In case of damage or vandalism to the bus, the responsible individual will be held liable for repair costs

11.Accommodation / Stay Etiquettes:

  1. Participants are responsible for the proper use and maintenance of the rooms / Tents during their stay.
  2. Any damage caused to the property, including rooms/tents/cottages, will result in charges to cover repair or replacement expenses.

12. Code of Conduct:

  1. Participants are expected to conduct themselves with respect for fellow travelers, and Tripcat's staff.
  2. Participants are responsible for adhering to local laws, customs, and regulations during the trip.
  3. Any behavior deemed offensive, disruptive, or dangerous will result in the participant being removed from the trip, with no refunds provided.

13. Trip Changes and Cancellation by Tripcat:

  • TripCat reserves the right to cancel a trip if the minimum required number of participants is not met. In such cases, participants will be offered an alternative trip or a full immediate refund.

14. Special Considerations for Female Travelers:

  1. Tripcat is committed to ensuring the safety, comfort, and well-being of all travelers, including female participants.
  2. Female travelers are encouraged to communicate any specific needs, concerns, or preferences to the trip captain or Tripcat staff.
  3. Rest assured that Tripcat takes measures to provide safe and secure travel/accommodations for all participants.
  4. We understand the importance of privacy, especially for female participants. Efforts will be made to accommodate such requests, subject to availability.
  5. Female travelers are advised to exercise the same caution and situational awareness as they would during any other journey.

15. Intellectual Property:

  • All content on the Tripcat website, including text, images, and logos, is protected by intellectual property laws and may not be used without permission.

16. Special Requests:

  • Participants with special requests, such as room preferences or medical requirements, should inform Tripcat during the booking process/ During the trip. While we will do our best to accommodate these requests, they are subject to availability and feasibility. We cannot guarantee that all requests can be fulfilled due to factors beyond our control. 

17.Complaints and Feedback:

  • If you have a complaint during the trip, please inform the Trip captain or our team immediately so that appropriate action can be taken.

18. Termination of Services:

  • Tripcat reserves the right to refuse services to individuals who violate these terms and conditions or engage in inappropriate behavior.

19. Governing Law:

  • These terms and conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with applicable laws. Any disputes arising under or in connection with these terms shall be subject to the appropriate legal processes.


20. By proceeding with the booking and participating in our trips, you confirm that you have read and understood these terms and conditions, and you agree to abide by them.


At Tripcat, we believe in turning every journey into a memorable adventure. Our commitment to your safety, comfort, and enjoyment is at the heart of everything we do. While the legal details might seem overwhelming, they're there to ensure that you have the best time possible. Your safety and peace of mind are our top priorities, and that's why we've crafted these terms and conditions with care.

Picture this: discovering breathtaking landscapes, sharing laughter around a campfire, and creating bonds that last a lifetime. At Tripcat, we're not just about travel – we're about enriching experiences that stay with you forever.

So, let go of any worries. Pack your sense of adventure, your curiosity, and your excitement. Together, we're about to embark on a journey that promises not only remarkable destinations but also moments that will steal your heart.



Join us in exploring the world, making new friends, and creating stories that last a

lifetime. Our trips are not just about travel; they're about embracing life, having endless fun, and savoring every moment. So pack your curiosity, leave your concerns behind, and let's embark on a journey that promises laughter, discovery, and memories that will warm your heart forever.

Let's create experiences together that remind us all why life is truly worth living. See you on the road to incredible moments and boundless joy!

Thank You!

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